Dear family and friends, Spring is half over and everything is already bright green, but we waited to send this edition of MountainView Moments because things are beginning to “spring” forth on our four acres in Franklin, NC! We are so excited to take the first steps on our Vision journey and share them with you.
We are using the word Vision instead of Ministry to describe what we are doing, but rest assured it is a Holy Spirit led venture, and what we do there will fulfill and blend our callings and benefit the household of faith. We can’t wait to share more, but for now, our tag line for Macs MountainView tells the story: A resting place where books and songs are born and shared. Check out the “Vision” page on the website for photos as we build. We can tell you that the first building up will be a studio/workshop where Dennis will be back using his musical talents and adding new music-related interests. He already helps out in the sound booth at Cherokee Bible Church, (while Jeannie keeps watch over the church library.)
Jeannie made “Divine Connections” with 14 amazing women writers who are on the same author journey. She also discovered direction for her current books, and next project, “Tresia Depot Tales,” which she is excited to begin. With school and library experience from her past, it was pointed out at the academy, that she has the perfect platform to take her books and writing to community groups. It’s always been her desire to pass on her love and belief in of the power of story, and this is another way to do that. Please pray with Jeannie that this avenue will open up and she will have the confidence to present her love of books in a way that will encourage others to explore their own journeys in reading, and how stories can bring to light unexpected treasures in the Kingdom. Once we are living on our land, while Dennis builds his studio, Jeannie will create a place, (maybe in a corner of their barn with portable cooling and heat!) where she can begin her next book. It may also serve as her new Kingdom Corner, instead of the cramped camper couch! If you don’t know what that is, check out the website Kingdom Corner Connection section.
We will close with a tribute to Jeannie’s Uncle Lindy Aadalen, who recently went Home to Heaven. He lived in Colorado and was 90 years old. Up until a couple years ago, he still loved to drive his Mustang across country to visit family. First pic was taken when Uncle Lindy and Aunt Judi were on a visit to KS to see Jeannie’s parents. Now they are together again! Second pic was taken on one of his last road trips. We were able to join Uncle Lindy and his oldest daughter, Jill and her family. Jill’s daughter, Lilly, was also a YAB girl for the Tresia books. One of Jeannie’s favorite things about being a writer is using friends and family names for characters in her stories. You may have recognized some other names in this newsletter as characters. Now Uncle Lindy will forever drive his Mustang in Book II of Trinity Tales of Tresia. (He read all the books, too!) We have much to accomplish yet at Macs MountainView, but we also long for the Heavenly reunion with Jesus, family, and friends. Until the Harvest/Holiday Edition, unless the Lord takes us Home first for that grand reunion, we pray you will enjoy the warmer-months and activities with family and friends. If you are near Franklin, please let us know! We would love to show you around our new hometown. We always like to hear back from you. Our email remains the same, and by next newsletter, we will have a new address for you. Please feel free to pass this newsletter on to anyone you think would be interested.
BE BLESSED! Dennis and Jeannie (J.A.) Comments are closed.
May 2024