Phase I and II of Macs MountainView are complete! During Phase I, Dennis and Jeannie lived in the camper on their four acres of land beginning in August, 2019. Construction began soon after on Phase II, Ruby Cottage and Macs Music, a small (will be) guest cottage and music recording studio. That building project was completed by Dennis with help from friends, in August, 2023. Visitors will be limited, but Dennis is back to writing songs and playing music. Jeannie has a new temporary writing area and Kingdom Corner. The McPhails will live in Ruby Cottage until the completion of Phase III, their own home, Sapphire Lodge. Please pray with them as God continues to reveal His plans for Dennis and Jeannie’s assignments, both separately and together. And yes, that photograph on the logo is their MountainView! God even shaped an "M" for them on the mountaintops!