My 2017 Word of the Year: PREPARE
Five years ago, I read a book about choosing a word each year to meditate on, study, use to set goals, and even build dreams around. I asked the Lord to give me a word for that year. He did, and I have kept this tradition since. Around October, I start to pray about it, and jot down a few ideas as I study my Bible and pray. Since this began, I've found my word before Christmas. Every year, it seems the use of my word expands. My previous words have been Chosen, Plans, Glory, Restoration, and Increase. This year I felt led to the word Prepare. I don't make New Year's Resolutions, but I set new goals every January and use my word of the year in that process. Since last year was the first year I made a Vision Board, this will be the first year I get to update it according to my progress. I have a lot to prepare for this year, so all ten of my 2017 Goals start with my word of the year. We are preparing to sell a house in Morganton, NC, buy land in Franklin, NC, and for now, continue to spend time when we can in our camper in TN. I'm writing and editing like crazy because Book II of my Tresia series is due at my publisher's in February. Dennis is beginning to look at retirement from the public school system, and we are excited about making plans for the next season in our lives. We aren't sure about the timing yet, or exactly what it entails, although things are becoming clearer as the Holy Spirit takes us down this path one step at a time. There's no question that we need to prepare for it all. I can't even imagine trying to make life decisions without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I lean on Him more and more every day. He's even the Co-Author of my books. My first word of the year five years ago, became the subtitle of Stacie's book, "I Will Not Fear: A CHOSEN Life." And I have to say, the Holy Spirit is an amazing Muse! With all this to prepare for, I need to keep my focus. My word of the year helps me do that. And it's fun to discover and dig deeper into your word throughout the year. I'd encourage you pick a word of the year, however you feel comfortable doing it. I've learned that God can use my word in ways I couldn't even imagine. I love to watch Him work. Right now, He's preparing future assignments for me here, and He's preparing a place for me in Heaven. I think Stacie is probably helping with that one. Between the two of them, I know it's going to be amazing. |
May 2024