ROCK CHALK, JAYHAWK! Though not the most important happening, for basketball fans like us, winning the 2022 National Championship for Kansas was a nice bright spot in March! We would even have had a decent consolation prize if North Carolina had won. Though our precious daughter Stacie, moved to Heaven ten years ago next month, we are still driving her Sportage with the license plate “Tarhawk.” She was so proud of it! We took this photo years ago when the two teams also met in the finals. Though we have lived in NC for 20 years now, we will always be Jayhawks first! We thought about not sending this update because there hasn’t been a lot of change on our property that can be seen. But in the same way that God works behind the scenes in our lives, though it’s not visible to us yet, there has been progress inside Ruby Cottage / Macs Music. Dennis has been busy with wiring, plumbing, and building the back deck and ramp. We are enclosed now, with the recent addition of the soffit and porch roof. We’re thankful to have made it through the winter with no critters moving into the house! Dennis is in the process of painting the doors Ruby Red, and then he will build the front porch. Siding is next on the list, though we have a siding guy to help! Mowing will also claim his time during the growing season, but riding his tractors has always been Den’s prayer time, and often when Holy Spirit downloads new songs to his heart. With the studio close to being a reality, Dennis is excited about writing and recording songs again. And Volleyball officiating begins in August! That is his Re-Firement! Building debt-free in this day of rising prices and inflation has been a challenge, but we are determined to practice patience and pay as we go, as we promised the Lord we would. God has provided funds for every step, and we praise Him for full and overflowing provision to complete this assignment. We know that He provides both finances and the right helpers for whatever He calls us to do. He always has, and we have no doubt that even in this present crazy economy, Jesus is Lord! So, we continue to tackle each project as we are able. God is GOOD! Jeannie has helped with small physical building tasks a few times, but her job is mainly encouragement and prayer support. She spends time in her Kingdom Corner every day to lift up our assignment and the people and prayer requests she writes in her prayer journal. So many friends and family have experienced hardship and loss in the past months. It is an honor for Jeannie to lift those people to the Father. She considers her intercession a vital part of her assignment. This season of still living in our camper (with very limited space) has given Jeannie time to have special fellowship and prayer with God first, as well as keep our daily life tasks up to date. She is working on her craft as a writer, reading books and taking online courses. God has also laid it on her heart to support certain other writers and authors in various ways. Jeannie and her webmaster, Carol, keep her website updated with its various features like this newsletter, Reader Bonuses, (when you sign up, you receive two of Jeannie’s Picture eBooks, illustrated by two former Youth Advisory Board Gals, Ema (Carol’s daughter) and Lilly (daughter of Jeannie’s cousin, Jill.) You can also keep up with what Jeannie is reading in the Reading Nook. For all you “Tresia” fans, a very special surprise made possible by Carol’s oldest daughter, Caity, also one of Jeannie’s former YAB gals, will be posted to the website soon! (Hint: Caity is a theater major…) Visit the website anytime for updates! With this report of where God has taken us up until now, we want to end this newsletter with a thought for the future. Jeannie has been re-reading the “Left Behind” series since the first of the year. We both enjoy watching preachers and teachers who show us how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes. We continue to take steps to finish this building phase so we can accomplish our tasks to write books and songs and share God’s love with the world. But it is plain to us that it is almost time for Jesus to return to take His Church Home! In light of that Truth, some days it’s hard to “keep on keeping on” with what we have been called to do. But Jesus said in Luke 19:13 to “Occupy til I come.” So we will move forward with our assignment, while keeping our eyes on the eastern skies! This was our recent view on our way home from church. We love the rays coming through the clouds to remind us that Jesus is coming soon. Even so, Come, Lord Jesus! Our ultimate assignment is to share the Gospel and take as many as we can with us to meet Jesus in the air! If you don’t know Him, we would love to hear from you and would be honored to introduce you to Him. Those of you who are watching for Him too, we’d love to hear what you are doing while you “occupy.” Just hit reply. We answer every email response. Love and prayers to y’all. Keep looking up!
Dennis and Jeannie |
May 2024