Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes. Ephesians 3:20 (TLB) Dear family and friends, Since we want this newsletter to be uplifting, encouraging, and packed with news about what God is doing here at Macs MountainView, we are not going to comment on what the world has been like in 2020. All we need to know is that God is always good, His Word is true, He loves His kids, and He has a plan for each of us that is far greater than we can ever hope or imagine. We hope and pray that this edition of MountainView Moments finds you happy, healthy, and thriving as a child of God. Know that if you are on our family and friends email list, you are prayed for on a regular basis. If you didn’t receive this newsletter in your inbox, but want to next time, join the list on our website homepage. ( Then you will be on our email list and our prayer list!
In July we spent a day in GA to celebrate Dennis’s 64th birthday. We discovered Anna Ruby Falls on our August weekend in Helen, GA, for our 46th Anniversary. We took a quick September trip to KY and TN for Jeannie’s birthday, (65! Hello, Medicare...) and stopped in Clinton, Pigeon Forge, and Gatlinburg, TN, to shop and antique. Lots of good eating went on also! From TN, it’s a beautiful hour drive through Smoky Mountain National Park pass, then another hour home. We added a second trip in October to Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg to meet friends and refill our KU canister with Carmel Corn! We always stop to see the elk in Cherokee. We used to have to go to Colorado to see them, but now we just stop by on our way home from TN, or before we to go to church! When we sent out the spring newsletter, Jeannie had not intended to begin her next writing project. She wanted to wait until she had a better place to write than squeezing her old laptop onto our camper kitchen table! But God gave her the assignment, and her new book was released on November 1st! Kingdom Corner Connection: Where Wonder Awaits is a non-fiction companion book to her Tresia series. Kingdom Corner was the term used in the Tresia books for the place where the main characters met with the Holy Spirit character. In this day and age, we believe it is more important than ever to spend daily time with God. That is why, with much encouragement from Dennis, Jeannie knew that the Holy Spirit wanted this book written now. It is filled with personal stories, scripture, and practical ideas on where, when, how, and above all, why to create your own Kingdom Corner. Thanks to those who have already ordered and helped spread the word, and thanks in advance to the rest of you! (And Amazon and other online reviews are always appreciated!) Dennis has been busy all spring, summer and fall with our first building project. Dirt work, septic line, footings, concrete block foundation, floor joists, and finally a subfloor! The framing and trusses are next. It’s exciting to see things progressing. We are building debt-free without a bank loan, so we don’t know when we will be finished, but Dennis is enjoying the process and we know God is our Source and Provider. We told some missionary friends that we are learning to live by faith like they have done all their lives! We have had tremendous help from friends at church (thanks Randy, David, and Zane) and we are so grateful for their time and strong muscles! Ruby Cottage and Macs Music are the first phase of our vision and their purpose is to be shared with family and friends. Pray with us as this first building project is completed. Our motto is “All is done well and in order, for the Glory of God and the benefit of the household of faith.” Dennis has officiated a few volleyball games at private and Christian schools who had their seasons at the regular time. Public schools are supposed to start volleyball in November and basketball is scheduled for the first of the year. Sports schedules are still up in the air, but he hopes to have both seasons to referee as this has become something he really enjoys. It keeps him young and in touch with kids! We are both looking forward to a taking the next few weeks off to enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas. No travel plans as of yet, but even if it’s just the two of us and a quiet celebration here at Macs MountainView, we are so BLESSED. In a very strange year, God has done more than we could have ever hoped for or imagined.
Harvest and Christmas BLESSINGS, Dennis and Jeannie Recipe for Holiday Olive Cheese Balls
2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese 1 1/4 cup of flour 1/2 cup of melted margarine (holds together better than real butter) 36 pimento-stuffed queen green olives Mix cheese and flour. Add margarine and mix thoroughly. Mold one teaspoon of dough around each olive and shape into a ball. Place two inches apart on untreated baking sheet. Cover and chill at least one hour. Heat oven to 400 and bake 15 to 20 minutes until bubbly and brown on bottom. Comments are closed.
May 2024