When a Facebook friend posted this photo a while back, I laughed myself silly. This is certainly my kind of humor. I've only been on Facebook for a few months, and though I've added some more recent "friends" like the one who shared this photo, it's been interesting and fun to re-connect with old friends from high school days. Back in the early 1970's we never dreamed there would be something like the internet and social media that would usher us back into each other's lives so easily.
This new world of technology, and re-connecting with former schoolmates, and others who knew me as a child, teenager, or even as a younger adult, has made me ponder the person these friends knew back when. What memories and perceptions do they hold of me from the times when we saw each other on a regular basis? I hope mostly good. I regret that I can think of a few times I may have said or done something that caused hurt. If so, forgive me. Thankfully, most high school drama, misunderstandings, and differences of opinion are usually forgiven and forgotten as life goes on. But it's been a reminder that what I do and say today, can either be a positive influence on people, or it could cause me regret down the road. I'd like to think that I have learned to be faithful to do what I know the Lord wants me to do, in big things and little things. But just yesterday I was presented with an opportunity to do something positive for someone and I just plain didn't do it. It wasn't a big deal, or wouldn't have been to me, but I'm sure it would have made a difference in that person's day. I was thinking about it, even listening to my heart and asking the Holy Spirit if I should step in and help. While I was contemplating, the moment passed. I lost the opportunity. I've regretted it ever since. It's even harder knowing that this isn't the first time I have regretted not doing or saying or giving something the minute I felt led to do so and losing the opportunity. So today, I've asked for forgiveness for my hesitation to "make a scene," or worry about what others would think, or wonder if what I could do would be enough anyway. I prayed that God was able to use someone else who was ready to get it done when He said do it. And I am determined to be faithful to His leading in anything He asks of me, big or little. God is forever faithful to forgive me when I ask and because of that, I also forgave myself. My desire is to be God's "Go-To Girl" when He needs something done. Faithfulness with no regrets. Matthew 25:21 His master said to him, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You were faithful with a little, so I'll put you in charge of much. Enter into your master's joy!" (TLV) Comments are closed.
May 2024